Is ‘fan speed’ wind speed or rpm?

Just looking through the new Capabilities of the register-device node and just before wind_direction is fan_speed. Is this a measurement of how fast the air moves or how quickly a fan spins?

I have a weather station (Temp/humid/luminance/UV/Wind-speed/wind-direction/pressure/rain) in my garden [LoRaWAN and connected to iHost via MQTT] and can do everything now with the exception of wind-speed.

Please upgrade your node-red-contrib-ewelink-cube to v1.3.0.
It should attach with opena api v2 document for register-device node.

I upgraded the eWeLink Cube Palette to the latest version already. That was one of the first things I did when I started having problems. Maybe it is Caching the old Help File but I restarted the Docker Image. So to be clear in the Register Device node there should be a new Help File?