Wireless door sensor stops responding

After setting up the wireless door sensor it works fine for about two days but after that it stops responding.
Only if I disconnect and reconnect the battery it works again. This happens on all wifi door sensors I have.

No issue with the defined wifi network.

Any ideas

It’s wired that reconnects the battery can make it work again,:joy:
Have looped this issue to our support team for further digging, will back to you if we have some clue.

I have the same problem. Is there any solution for this problem?

For me it took 3 days. I had to connect new again.

Check whether the coating or outer layer of the battery is in contact with the metal clips, if so, it will cause the short-circuit of the battery and stop supplying power to the device and offline issue.

Dear i have this problem too
The sensor goes ofline severell times i trid reinstall but same problem
Too many ofline isues there is a huge network problem with this dw2
Br erik

Please check this.

Hi yitie
Yes Im aware of that, I already maked som fixing improvements. I also had one with soldiering problems…
I think you have an issue to keep cells in place, vhere there are some vibration…
Br. Erik

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Hi yitie
In the 3 sensores where I have fixed the batteries they ort to be reinstall to the network for comming back online after several times they go ofline and I have to reset again.

Any suggestions?

Br erik

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Hi yitie
Now i tried to put new sensor instead of one who goes ofline.
Sensor goes ofline just after installation
It’s newer comes to upgrade. By putting new battery doesn’t help?
60mbps network !
After several attempts with new sensors I have now installed a new one at its place
It’s still online when I wrote this…
Br erik

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Hi yitie
I think you have an app problem
I have some of yours relays they always worked 100% never had problems
Now in the last 14 days they several times go’s ofline
But first when i try to activate it by the pus button.

Br erik

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Any news about this irritating problem?
The same sensors also “eating” batteries very fast.
Or says low bat just after putting in new…