👨‍💻‍【Release Note】eWeLink CUBE V2.4.2 Update: More Optimization for CAST Dashboard

Thx for the feedback, we will make more optimizations for better readability.

POW Elite and CT (Ring) don’t show the energy consumption graph anymore:

also in the main interface:

Another thing that could be optimized is the graph scale.

Some of them have 1°/div, other 0.5°/div and others 0.2°/div

While the humidity is always starting form 0%, resulting in a poor resolution.


Why don’t the icons in ihost cast show the ones selected in ihost, but show them as power sockets?

That’s a good idea. Our team will consider making a more universal design system in future versions.

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  1. My LUX sensors, in cast, shows mm/H. That’s a speed/velocity unit. But in iHost, sensors shows correct Lux Unit.

  2. Presure sensors, in iHost shows hPa unit. It will be nice to have a conversion like temp C/F to show in mmHg(more common unit from analog barometric devices). In cast not available yet…

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I think my rain fall is in mm/hr.

Ihost is getting slower and slower. After each update, it gets slower. For example, the time between detection by a zigbee PIR sensor and until a zigbee bulb or a WIFI switch turns on is a few seconds. You cross a room in the dark and the light turns on behind you. It’s already embarrassing. CPU is on average at 30% and memory 25%.
An update is made every month, an update that only solves one problem, like TRV or Matter…etc, but the reaction speed decreases.
I used HomeAssistant, but I’ve been trying to use iHost for 2 years.
Very slow evolution.
At first I liked the look of iHost, then the idea that it would be able to do 1000 tasks and integrations and other stories, but after 2 years it barely manages to do basic things.
Identical sensors (Sonoff), one online and one offline, one appears with a firmware version, the other unknown, in fact both are online. The Zigbee map is full of unidentified flying objects, there were a few updates that were supposed to solve this, but no. Another forgotten problem.

It has an integrated RGB strip for notifications, it was promised that we would be able to use it, but we can’t, it has a microphone, but it can’t be used, it has a speaker, but it’s for 3 integrated sounds, it has a USB on which it was promised that we would be able to put an AI USB stick, zero support, it was completely forgotten. RTSP stream integration, it doesn’t work, what is the purpose of iHost?

You don’t have access to MQTT, you need to install another one, other resources allocated, why?

They will probably release a new version for sale soon, the current iHost being outdated.


I think that there will probably not be a newer version of ihost as a sonoff device. It will be hard to find people who will buy such a product.

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To be fair, I get this. The last month I’ve given up with the iHost. I’m either going back to a ZigBee hub and ewelink app or straight to HA.


I noticed that after the last update, both “Alexa” and “Ok Google” would indicate that they had executed a power on/off or open/close request, but in reality, nothing happened.

I did some testing and realized that if I manually turned a device on or off using a switch, neither Alexa nor Google would correctly recognize its state.

Let me explain better: if I manually turn on the living room switch and then ask Alexa/Google to turn off the living room, the operation wouldn’t be executed. Then, I tried saying “turn on the living room”, but of course, nothing happened because it was already on. However, when I repeated “turn off the living room”, this time Alexa/Google correctly turned off the switch.

From this, I deduced that the issue was with Sonoff. I restarted the device, and voilà, the problem disappeared. However, I didn’t expect to have to restart it every 10 days… it’s really annoying!

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Wow. 10 days online… it’s good for iHost. I have a scheduled reboot for every 4 days…If I let it longer, zigbee devices disappears, devices become unresponsive, etc…4 days only…

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Thx for the feedback, I’m sending your case to the Cube team. may I ask if you have sent any logs from via system feedback entry?

I answered their questions 24 days ago, but I didn’t receive any news after that.

[eWeLink]Your feedback 228516 has been updated
[iHost]Your feedback has been received and a ticket with ID228516


I would like to know if it is possible to set up an automatic nightly reboot on the Sonoff iHost, specifying a time like a cron job in Linux, while waiting for a patch to fix the issue.

If so, how can I do it?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,

if you are using node-red you can set restart Ihost in node-red.


Can you explain how to do it? Thank you.

READ POINT 3.2 Hardware Function
In node red use HTTP REQUEST…

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Thank you very much, I have already uploaded the JSON and modified it

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