👨‍💻‍【Release Note】eWeLink CUBE V2.4.2 Update: More Optimization for CAST Dashboard

Please try to re-enter the iHost settings page or restart iHost. This will trigger the automatic download of the new version. When the download is complete, a small red dot will display the new version that can be upgraded.

I couldn’t agree more.

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The problem solved by itself. Today the magic update button just appeared. thk for your time. Yesterday evening i allowed ihost to do pratically what it wants from my router … not sure if that is the reason.

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Me too. I confirm that today I found the update available. @salvo80 I exclude your interventions; I think they fixed something on the server side.

@ward problem resolved for me too.

Hi @jiayu.gou .
I confirm that today the update appeared for me too.

yeah, i think so.

Can we get the release notes for 1.13.3 please so we can see what undisclosed features of the prior releases have been fixed?

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Not announcing changes is a very traditional approach on the part of the eWeLink guys. Apparently, they think we’re so clever that we’ll figure it out ourselves :nerd_face:

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Let’s not let their actions of the past, tarnish our future… I’m sure it’s just a simple oversight!

The release note was already updated before, please check the top of this topic.
Forgot to change the title from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3

V1.13.3 (2024.1.31)

  1. Fix the problem that the volume list is empty
  2. Fix the problem that Tailscale webui cannot be displayed
  3. Modify the SNZB-06P detection time interval display problem
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Again? :grin:

Perhaps it would be good practice to regularly publish a list of changes and improvements on a dedicated web page of the eWeLink website or to move such announcements to Announcements & Tutorials? Now it gets a mess bigger every time.

After updating to version 1.13.3, SONOFF BASICZBR3 stopped working.
I had to remove the device from IHOST and add it again.
There was also a problem with the snzb-03 sensor (version 0.3). Shows ON/OFF status.

Your motion sensor’s RSSI is weak. Did you notice that?

I re-paired and it’s OK

Good :sunglasses:

If you had done nothing, the sensor would have found a better router after some time.

But why was it sending ON/OFF? Because he had a weak RSSI.

Looks quite strange, please send us the system log if possible, and indicate the issue timestamp.

feedback sent
Id: 201238

@ociepa.ekotox I have sensor with .5 version that works. 2024/02/10
No Motion
Motion Detected
No Motion
I normaly using Homeassiatnt but recently bought iHost so just moved it to check I am on iHost 1.13.3 as well. So try to update your motion sensor