Since CUBE 2.3.X Node RED bombards me with endless errors like these. This coresponds with CPU usage at 99% for prolonged periods of time.
I think that ewelink app and iHost docker problem is solved.
24h from update to 2.3.3 and no sign of that problem.
iHost backup…
can someone please confirm that created iHost backup and managed to restore it?
In version 2.3.3 I created a backup on (IHOST NR1 ) and managed to restore it to another ihost (IHOST_NR2).
I had to pair several devices again because they did not display the battery status.
I disconnected all 230v devices from the power supply and after connecting them to the power supply, they updated their status.
Thanks for sharing - did you transfer the TF card or install a new one?
I have a new SD card in the second ihost. I downloaded the updates from ihost (NR1) to the computer and uploaded them to ihost (NR2)
Thanks for info… but could you try to do the same on the same iHost device?
Are scenes also restored?
For me scenes backup is the most important thing and I use only 1 iHost.
Restore also works on the same device.
but some devices need to be added again.
so scenes with these devices may be deleted.
Therefore, a function is needed so that scenes are not automatically deleted,
I think that the ewelink team should add a light signaling function to ihost of the ongoing process.
while creating a backup and while restoring a backup, the light on ihost should blink.
Yes… this is huge problem.
Even if device battery die and I have to reconnect the device the scene is gone.
This is one of the most serious problems that Ewelink / Sonoff team have to solve.
Protect the scenes from being deleted when device become disconnected
This scenes cold be saved in some buffer and then when device will be reconnected scenes should be restored… even manually.
The battery has no effect on deleting scenes.
Scenes disappear when the device is removed from ihost during re-pairing.
Surely the solution here should be to avoid the scenes being deleted if a device no longer exists.
In the future this can easily happen with Matter linked devices, so the ‘lost’ device should be replaced with a ‘unknown device’ label and the scene disabled.
Been through this process with backups on another platform (Smartthings) and it is a solution that works.
This sounds like common sense to be fair! Don’t know why it would be programmed/set up any other way really.
I confirm. It’s done very nicely at smartthings.
Thanks for info.
Did your upgrade to v2.3.3.
Is the docker page blank problem and CPU 100% problem still persists?
Looks like this problem is solved.
It is over 24h since I updated to 2.3.3 and evelink app in iHost docker is working OK
After upgrade the Docker page now shows OK, although it took over 5 minutes running at 98-100% before I could visualise Node-red.
Several virtual devices (switch and light type) would not come on line. I had to modify values (power on or off, brightness) and re-inject registration node to get them to respond…But now everything seems correct.
Thanks for the response.
the problem with displaying the zigbee map remained in firmware 2.3.3. The map is not displayed again
Strange - in my case it’s showing OK.
Unplug the ihost from the power supply. If possible, also unplug the zigbee devices from the power supply. Check if the zigbee map will still be displayed after restarting all devices?